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FAQ: Uninsured Treatments or Medications

Uninsured Treatments or Medications

The cost of HCV related drugs and drug therapy is high. Can I get compensation for such costs?

The Administrator will reimburse you for the uninsured costs associated with HCV related medications. Please complete the GEN 3 Form to make such a claim.

Private insurance, an employee benefit package, a provincial healthcare plan or a provincial disability program may also cover these costs, in whole or in part. The Administrator will reimburse you for the difference or balance remaining - in other words any amount that is not covered by the aforementioned insurance or health plans. Before filing a Claim with the Administrator, you must first file a Claim with your other insurer. Once they have processed your Claim, you can forward your Claim to the Hepatitis C Claims Centre for reimbursement of any uninsured portion of the costs.

As always, please submit copies of your receipts with the GEN 3 Form. This Form is sent to all Approved Class Members, once the Full and Final Release of an Approved Class Member is on file, with the exception of Claims on behalf of HCV Infected Persons who died before January 1, 1999.

Can I still make claims for Uninsured Treatments or Medications purchased outside of Canada?

If the Claim is for medications purchased outside of Canada, you must include a letter of explanation. As always, you should get approval from your treating physician in Canada, and include your receipts.

According to Section 4.06 of Transfused Plan (Schedule A) and Hemophiliac Plan (Schedule B), "if the costs are incurred outside of Canada, the amount of compensation cannot exceed the lesser of the amount of compensation payable if the costs had been incurred in the Province or Territory where the claimant resides or is deemed to reside and the actual costs."

For example, if the amount is lower in the Province or Territory of residence in Canada, then you will be reimbursed for the amount it would have cost in Canada. However, if the amount is lower outside of Canada, then you will be reimbursed for the amount it cost you outside of Canada.

Please indicate the currency used, when costs are incurred outside of Canada.

Index of Questions
