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FAQ: Traceback Procedure

Traceback Procedure

Who do I call if I received a Blood transfusion before 1986, and I would like to file a Claim for part of the $79 million settlement?

If the HCV Infected Person received a Blood transfusion before 1986 or after 1990 and it is known that he or she was not infected during the class period January 1, 1986 to July 1, 1990, we strongly recommend that you call the Administrator of the Pre '86/Post '90 settlement toll-free at 1-888-840-5764 for more information about making a claim under this plan, which is separate from ours.

Where can I find my Blood transfusion records?

In order to find Blood transfusion records, you can check with the following:

  • hospital records department;
  • hospital blood bank;
  • the HCV Infected Person's family doctor;
  • the specialist who is treating the HCV Infected Person for his or her Hepatitis C;
  • the doctor(s) who treated the HCV Infected Person while he or she was in the hospital.

What if I got a letter from the province of Nova Scotia (or British Columbia) as part of their notification program, but I can't get my transfusion records?

If you received a letter from the British Columbia or Nova Scotia Blood Recipient Notification Projects, you will be asked to submit the following:

  • a letter from the hospital(s) where you were transfused confirming that the records have been destroyed or are otherwise unavailable; AND
  • a letter from the British Columbia Department of Health or Nova Scotia Department of Health as proof of transfusion; AND
  • your signed consent authorizing the Administrator to obtain information from any relevant provincial health authority.

If these steps fail to confirm the date of the alleged transfusion, you must submit an affidavit that includes the following information:

  • the month and year of hospitalization; AND
  • the reason for the hospitalization; AND
  • the basis for your recollection that the HCV Infected Person received a Blood transfusion during a hospitalization.

What happens if I can't get a copy of my Blood transfusion records, but I wasn't part of either the British Columbia or Nova Scotia notification programs?

If you are still having trouble obtaining a copy of your Blood transfusion records, please send us a letter saying that hospital records are unavailable. You may also be required to submit further evidence, including the following:

  • a letter from the hospital(s) where you were transfused confirming the records were destroyed or are otherwise unavailable; AND
  • a signed consent form authorizing the Administrator to contact the hospital(s.)

If these steps fail to establish a transfusion during the Class Period, you may also be asked to submit the following:

  • the month and year of all hospitalizations for the HCV Infected Person; AND
  • the reason for the hospitalization; AND
  • your basis for claiming that you were transfused during the hospitalization.

If these steps again fail to establish a transfusion during the Class Period, you may also be asked to submit the following:

  • an affidavit of a medical practitioner or hospital employee involved in the care of the HCV Infected Person at the time of the alleged transfusion, who recalls the transfusion; AND
  • the opinion of a medical practitioner, who practices the specialty relating to the HCV Infected Person's medical condition, confirming that it is more likely than not that the HCV Infected Person received a Blood transfusion, given the nature of the medical treatment or procedure; AND
  • an affidavit of a person who witnessed the Blood transfusion; AND
  • any medical records describing a significant loss of Blood or making reference to a transfusion at the time of the hospitalization.

Why does the presence of Other Risk Factors (ORF) affect the time frame for my Traceback procedure?

Section 3.01 of Transfused Plan (Schedule A) and Hemophiliac Plan (Schedule B) requires the Administrator to gather evidence to establish, on the balance of probabilities, that the HCV Infected Person was first infected with HCV through a Blood transfusion during the Class Period.

According to Section 3.03 of Transfused Plan (Schedule A) and Hemophiliac Plan (Schedule B), when Other Risk Factors are present, the Administrator may conduct additional investigations, which may include obtaining additional documentation and medical examinations in support of your Claim. Since these investigations may be time consuming, it may also result in an extension of the six-month time frame for Traceback results.

I don't have a copy of my Traceback results. Who should I call?

If the Traceback was initiated at our request, we will receive a copy of the final result, with the original sent to your mailing address.

If you do not have a copy of the Traceback result from Canadian Blood Services (CBS), and our records show that final results are available, we will directly ask CBS to mail you a copy of the results as soon as possible.

Index of Questions
