Hepatitis C - Class Actions Settlement
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FAQ: Other Risk Factors

Other Risk Factors

Can you tell me what the Other Risk Factor Form is for and why the Administrator needs this information?

The Other Risk Factors are listed in Section F of the TRAN 2 or HEMO 2 Forms. The treating physician completes this Form. Other Risk Factors represent other possible sources of infection, including the following:

  • Blood transfusions outside of the Class Period (either before 1986 or after July 1, 1990)
  • dialysis treatment
  • tattoos
  • body piercing (except ears)
  • intra-nasal drug use
  • non-prescription intravenous drug use
  • prison or incarceration
  • surgeries or trauma before January 1, 1986

If the treating physician checks a box in Section F of the TRAN 2 or HEMO 2 Forms, an Other Risk Factor Letter will be automatically sent to the claimant along with the Other Risk Factor Inquiry Form. The additional information that you provide upon completing this Form will help us evaluate and process your Claim.

In order to become a Class Member, an HCV Infected Person who has Other Risk Factors must establish that, on the balance of probabilities, he or she was first infected by a Blood transfusion or by receiving a Blood product in Canada during the Class Period.

What if one of the Other Risk Factors is non-prescription intravenous drug use?

According to Section 3.01(3) of Transfused Plan (Schedule A) and Hemophiliac Plan (Schedule B), in cases where the HCV Infected Person has used non-prescription IV drugs, he or she must deliver to the Administrator "other evidence establishing on a balance of probabilities that he or she was infected for the first time with HCV by a Blood transfusion in Canada during the Class Period.

Index of Questions
