9.01 Administrator (top)
The Administrator will be responsible for the processing
of all Claims and for obtaining funds from the Trust on behalf
of Class Members under this Plan and distributing such funds
as compensation payable to Class Members under this Plan.
No payments will be made to any Class Member under this Plan
unless and until the Class Member, or if the Class Member
is deceased, a minor or mentally incompetent, his or her Personal
Representative, duly executes and delivers to the Administrator
a valid and binding release in the form attached to this Plan
as Appendix B and consents to the dismissal without costs
to any party of any action or other proceeding in any way
relating to or arising from the infection of a Primarily-Infected
Person with HCV during the Class Period (including the infection
of a Secondarily-Infected Person) commenced against any Releasee
(as defined in the form of release attached hereto as Appendix
B) including the Class Actions as provided in the Approval
Orders as defined in the Settlement Agreement.