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Documents : Standard Operating Procedures : Proof of Earned Income

Standard Operating Procedure

SOP - Proof of Earned Income

(Sections 4.02 and 6.01 of the Transfused and Hemophiliac HCV Plans)

The procedure to be followed by the Administrator in determining loss of Earned Income pursuant to Sections 4.02 (2)(d) and 6.01(1) is as follows:

1. The Claimant must supply evidence, including income tax returns, that proves the Approved HCV Infected Person received the Earned Income.

2. If a Claimant cannot provide income tax returns and/or a declaration form from an employer, then the Claimant must deliver to the Administrator corroborating evidence, independent of the Claimant, that establishes, on the balance of probabilities, the Earned Income of the Approved HCV Infected Person.

3. Examples of corroborating evidence include:

a. statistical information identifying income levels for people employed in a similar job or occupation;

b. employment records pertaining to the Approved HCV Infected Person's employment; and

c. a sworn affidavit from the Approved HCV Infected Person's employer or co-employee specifying the amount of the Approved HCV Infected Person's income.



This Standard Operating Procedure is intended to assist the reader with respect to the subject matter and the procedures set forth herein. However, in the event there is any difference or ambiguity between this Standard Operating Procedure and the 1986-1990 Hepatitis C Settlement Agreement such difference or ambiguity will be governed by and will be resolved by the terms of the 1986-1990 Hepatitis C Settlement Agreement.


