Hepatitis C - Class Actions Settlement
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Appeals : Unconfirmed Referee Decisions

Unconfirmed Referee Decisions

Claimant did not provide sufficient evidence to establish that HCV Infected Person received a blood transfusion in Canada during the Class Period.

HCV did not contribute to cause of death

Negative traceback

Primarily-Infected Person did not establish that he/she is a Class Member under s. 3.01 of the Settlement Agreement

Claimant does not meet definition of Secondarily-Infected Person as defined under the Settlement Agreement

Claimant does not meet definition of Family Member as defined under the Settlement Agreement

Loss of income/support

Loss of services

Out-of-pocket and uninsured medications

Positive pre-class

Claimant did not provide sufficient evidence to establish infection with HCV

Family member claim - HCV did not contribute to cause of death of the Primarily-Infected Person

Fixed payment

Non-prescription intravenous drug use

Evidence does not support Claimant was infected with Hepatitis C for the First Time by a transfusion received in the Class Period.


